Let’s face it, dating doesn’t come naturally. And dating after the age of 30 or 40 is a minefield of potential mistakes that could make or break your chance of a terrific woman wanting to get to know you better. Some of those mistakes are of no real consequence, certainly not deal-breakers. So those aren’t the ones I’m going to be talking about.
It’s the mysterious mistakes that you’re unaware of that cause that great girl to want to get away as quickly as possible. It’s particularly puzzling when you think the date went well and she doesn’t want to go out with you again, with you wondering what the heck went wrong.
Because she’s uncomfortable telling you explicitly why she doesn’t want to see you again, you can only presume, and sadly, all too often, you end up writing her off as a bitch, which isn’t always the case.
Wouldn’t that feedback be useful? Without it, how are you going to develop your dating skills and build your confidence? If you don’t have a clue how you’re coming across maybe the following list of common mistakes will help you see something that you’ve been doing without realizing it.
What is the purpose of Self Improvement?
Why should you worry trying to advance yourself? Because the better you are at being a confident, masterful man, and at communicating with women and understanding what they want, the more fascinating and attractive you’ll be. And the better you get at showing up as a self-assured man, the higher the quality of women you’ll magnetize and the more women you’ll have to choose from.

The trade-off? You have to put some effort into improving yourself but you get to be the kind of man most women are looking for. Not bad, huh?
Where Did You Learn To Date?
Like most of us, you most likely learned to date when you were in high school, then “fine tuned” your skills in college, then got along by hit or miss after that. Even on the occasions when you got it right, did you know what you did? Can you repeat it?
So now, here you are, wanting to start dating seriously because you’re ready for a long-term relationship with a special woman with whom to share your life.
You head out on your first date. It seems to go pretty well, but she tells you she doesn’t want to go out with you again.
Then another first date. This woman isn’t interested in seeing you again either.
What’s going on, you wonder? You start to doubt yourself, “What am I doing wrong?”
You ask and she tells you there’s no chemistry, you didn’t know how to communicate, or you didn’t seem to be that interested. What are you supposed to do with that information?
So you stumble on, hoping that one of these days, you’ll meet the woman you’re looking for and, for a change, she won’t be a mystery.
The next post will give you much needed insight into the mysteries of dating women more effectively.
After you’ve read the 15 mistakes, you’ll be attractive to more of the women you meet and when that special woman comes along, she won’t be able to keep you off her mind. That’s when you get enthusiastic encouragement for a second date. Why? Because those women will be basking in your masculinity.
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